Legend’s Journey: A Story of Hope and Heroes

Legend arrived at our Anderson Humane after being transferred from Chicago Animal Care and Control as a special case. Testing revealed that he had a progressive FeLV infection, which meant he was contagious to other cats and faced significant health challenges. FeLV, or feline leukemia virus, is a disease spread through close contact between cats. While some infected cats’ immune systems can fight off the virus, Legend wasn’t so fortunate. Though he appeared healthy, a progressive infection meant his immune system couldn’t control the virus, making him vulnerable to related illnesses. Most cats with this diagnosis live only a few years.

While Legend’s diagnosis made him difficult to place in a traditional home, our team was determined to find him a safe and loving environment where he could live comfortably and happily. That’s when we discovered Froggie’s Pond, an FIV/FeLV sanctuary in Battle Creek, Michigan, that specializes in caring for FeLV+ cats. The sanctuary’s environment and specialized care were perfect for Legend. All that was left was to get him there.

A Call for Heroes

Transporting Legend to the sanctuary was no small task. The trip from our main shelter in South Elgin, Illinois, to Battle Creek, Michigan, would take nearly four hours each way. To make it happen, we turned to our dedicated network of volunteers, sending out a call for help:

Our volunteer team sent an email for help, “We have an exciting opportunity for one of you to be a hero in Legend’s journey to his forever sanctuary! Legend, our sweet FeLV+ kitty, is awaiting a special friend to transport him to a sanctuary in Battle Creek, Michigan. Can you be his ride to a brighter future?” 

The response was overwhelming. Within hours, nine volunteers had stepped up, eager to help Legend begin his new chapter. A compassionate volunteer named Chip took on the mission, donating his time and resources to ensure Legend’s safe journey.

The Journey to a New Life

Legend was carefully loaded into a cozy carrier, complete with soft blankets to keep him comfortable. Chip made sure Legend was safe throughout the trip. Upon arriving at Froggie’s Pond, Legend was greeted by a team ready to welcome him with open arms. Froggie’s Pond provides FeLV-specific care and a calm environment where Legend can live out the rest of his days alongside other FeLV+ cats.

A Legacy of Love

Legend’s journey wouldn’t have been possible without the incredible generosity of our volunteers. Chip’s willingness to step up and make the long drive gave Legend a second chance at life—a chance to experience love, comfort, and happiness for as long as he can.

For cats with FeLV, like Legend, life can be uncertain. But his story is a reminder that, even in the face of challenges, compassion can create miracles. To all our volunteers, supporters, and friends: thank you for being part of Legend’s story and for helping us continue to make a difference for animals in need.

How You Can Help

Legend’s journey is just one of many. If you would like to support animals like Legend, consider becoming a volunteer, fostering a pet in need, or making a donation to Anderson Humane. Together, we can create more happy endings and give every animal the chance to become a legend.


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